Monday, July 23, 2007

pAsT aNd FuTuRe.....

whew!!!... I can't imagine that we already had our prelim exam.. I know all of you(students) will agree that it's not that easy to answer those mind bugging questions,problem solvings and everything...!! Like you, I also would want to share what I've been doing and experiencing within those prelim days. It's very ridiculous to look back on the first day of our exam 'coz me and my friend or should I say "super twin",were wearing uniforms instead of wash day attire. But, never mind bout that 'coz we're also enjoyed of what we've done. Anyways, for me,prelim was not as hard as I thought 'coz most of the questions were already reviewed on us by our teachers.
The result of our hardworks on studying our lessons,a whole night of reviewing and scanning notes was very okey. We already knew our grades and I'm very much contented of the results and now we're facing a new challenge... the upcoming midterm exam. I know I can face all of those and I can do it with the help of my teachers, classmates and specially with the help of GOD... so friends, just keep up the good work and don't forget to ask for GOD's guidance before doing anything 'coz he's the only one who can fill all your needs....God Bless!!!!

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