Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Most Valuable Thing...

All of us has it's own personal things which we considered as the most important thing in life. On my part, my most valuable things are GOD,my family and my friends. First and for most,GOD...he's the most important thing of all because without him, I can do nothing... He's the only one who gives answers to my questions,he's always there to listen for me whenever I have problems and I'm shy to open it up to someone...He did not ignored me when I need comfort...when I was about to lose hope, he's always there to encourage me and help me stand...I'm strong and happy person outside, but deep inside of me is a girl that's full of unanswered questions and sad feelings which GOD only knows all about it... The second most valuable thing in me is my FAMILY...they're my inspiration, my strength and the reason why I'm still standing and where I am standing and what I have right now...I can't live without them for short...I'm very thankful to God that he put me in this kind of family...a family that's full of love, laughters,caring, and everything... The third most important thing in me are my friends...they're my companion in everyday...they made my days colourful and meaningful...without them, my school days were dull and boring...
And those are my most valuable things in life...without all of them, I am useless and I can't imagine a day and even a minute without them by my side....I'll do my best and give my best and I would also even surrender my life and sacrifice my all just for them to be happy 'coz I love all of them...(^^,)

Monday, July 23, 2007

pAsT aNd FuTuRe.....

whew!!!... I can't imagine that we already had our prelim exam.. I know all of you(students) will agree that it's not that easy to answer those mind bugging questions,problem solvings and everything...!! Like you, I also would want to share what I've been doing and experiencing within those prelim days. It's very ridiculous to look back on the first day of our exam 'coz me and my friend or should I say "super twin",were wearing uniforms instead of wash day attire. But, never mind bout that 'coz we're also enjoyed of what we've done. Anyways, for me,prelim was not as hard as I thought 'coz most of the questions were already reviewed on us by our teachers.
The result of our hardworks on studying our lessons,a whole night of reviewing and scanning notes was very okey. We already knew our grades and I'm very much contented of the results and now we're facing a new challenge... the upcoming midterm exam. I know I can face all of those and I can do it with the help of my teachers, classmates and specially with the help of GOD... so friends, just keep up the good work and don't forget to ask for GOD's guidance before doing anything 'coz he's the only one who can fill all your needs....God Bless!!!!

what's with HUMAN PHEROMONE???

I know that some of you are not that familiar of this word. Anyways, I named my blog as "human pheromone" 'coz i really really like it and i love this word. Non-sense actually for some, but for me it's a nice word. I got this word from my favorite cartoon movie which is the Alice Academy. I'm not sure of it's real meaning but on my own understanding, pheromone means a power to attttact. Like the human pheromone,it means a power to attract human....(^^,)....
So,watch out! 'Coz maybe after you read this message,you'll find yourself being addicted or attracted by my blog.... I hope you have a nullifying alice so that you can protect yourself from my Human Pheromone....(only alice fanatics can really understand what I'm talking about)...(^^,)
enjoy reading!!!!GOD BLESS!!!